Focus and attention: The art and science of concentration

We are and become what we focus our attention on. 

Over 2,000 years ago Epictetus said, “Most of what passes for legitimate entertainment is inferior or foolish and only caters to or exploits people’s weakness.”

Focus and attention are the essential cognitive processes that shape how we interact with the world, learn new skills and achieve goals. While closely related, focus refers to the ability to direct mental energy toward a specific task or goal, whereas attention encompasses the broader capacity to notice, process and respond to stimuli in our environment. 

As you know firsthand, in our world today, which is filled with deliberate and innocuous distractions, our attempt to cultivate our abilities to focus and attend has never been more critical. But it’s not completely our fault if our diligence occasionally lapses.

Based on scientific findings, psychology has shown that focus and attention are dynamic processes influenced by internal and external factors, such as our mental state, environmental conditions and habits. 

Johann Hari, writing in “The Observer” in January 2022 says, “Your attention didn’t collapse, it was stolen. I learned that the factors harming our attention are not all immediately obvious. I had been focused on tech at first, but in fact the causes range very widely – from the food we eat to the air we breathe, from the hours we work to the hours we no longer sleep. They include many things we have come to take for granted – from how we deprive our children of play, to how our schools strip learning of meaning by basing everything on tests. I came to believe we need to respond to this incessant invasion of our attention at two levels. The first is individual.” 

From managing workplace tasks to fostering deeper relationships, attention and focus are vital for personal and professional success. 

As Bruce Lee once said, “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” 

This column explores the science behind focus and attention, the factors that influence them and practical strategies to enhance these skills for greater fulfillment and productivity.

What is focus?

Focus can be defined as the ability to direct and sustain mental effort on a specific activity while ignoring distractions. It is an essential aspect of cognitive functioning, enabling us to solve problems, learn new information and achieve long-term goals. At the neural level, focus is primarily regulated by the prefrontal cortex, which orchestrates executive functions such as decision-making and attention control. This area was serendipitously discovered in 1848 when Phineas Gage, a rail road worker, had a rare accident in which an iron tamping rod pierced through what now is known as the orbitofrontal lobe. Phineas, a once respectable loving husband and father, became short-tempered, brash and prone to devise and then immediately abandoned any plans he made because of his pre-frontal lobe being damaged.

What are the types of attention?

Sustained Attention: The ability to maintain focus over an extended period, such as during a lengthy study session or a work presentation.

Selective Attention: The process of prioritizing one stimulus while ignoring others, like focusing on a conversation in a noisy room.

Divided Attention: Managing multiple tasks simultaneously, such as cooking while listening to a podcast.

Alternating Attention: The ability to switch focus between different tasks, such as responding to emails while participating in a video call.

Each type of attention serves a unique purpose and requires distinct cognitive resources. For instance, selective attention is vital for deep work, whereas divided attention is essential for multitasking.

What are the different roles attention play in our lives?

Distractions are a natural part of life, but their impact on focus can be significant. External distractions, such as noise or interruptions, compete for our attention and disrupt cognitive processes. Internal distractions, like stress or intrusive thoughts, further challenge our ability to concentrate. 

As Mark Twain aptly noted, “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”

Focus and memory are intrinsically linked. Attention serves as the gateway to memory, enabling the brain to encode and store information effectively. When focus is compromised, memory retrieval becomes more difficult, highlighting the importance of attentional control in learning and decision-making.

Posner and Rothbart’s 2007 article, “Research on attention networks as a model for the integration of psychological science” in the Annual Review of Psychology, 58(1), found that “the connection between neural networks, genes, and socialization provides a common approach to all aspects of human cognition and emotion.”

The factors affecting focus and attention are complex. There are biological, psychological, environmental as well as social and cultural factors.

Biological factors include genetics, sleep and nutrition. Neurotransmitters (those common chemicals in our body that influence our moods, like dopamine and norepinephrine) play key roles in regulating our attention, while sleep deprivation and poor diet impair our cognitive performance. Hormonal fluctuations, particularly those involving cortisol, can also negatively impact attentional control, especially during stress.

The psychological factors include stress, anxiety and mental fatigue. When we are under pressure, our brain’s ability to filter out distractions lessens, which leads to decreased productivity. Conversely, intrinsic motivation and genuine interest in a task will enhance our attentional capacity by activating reward pathways in the brain. That is, the more we like or want something, the better our attentional capacity. 

Environmental factors are those  in which we live also greatly influences focus. Noise (remember last month’s column?), clutter, and digital distractions are common barriers to attention. A way to counter the effect is to create a quiet, organized workspace. These  can help mitigate these challenges and foster our sustained concentration. Clean your workspace and for deep concentration, minimize the noise.

Social and cultural influences also impact our capacity to attend and focus. Societal norms and cultural expectations also play a role in shaping attentional habits. In cultures that prioritize multitasking, individuals may struggle to engage in deep, focused work. Understanding these influences can help us develop strategies to align our focus with our goals.

All is not lost! Techniques to improve our focus and attention.

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, have been shown to strengthen the brain’s attention network by improving neural plasticity (flexibility)  and reducing stress. Mindfulness exercises, such as focusing on the breath, can help you to enhance your attentional control over time.

Effective time management strategies, like the Eisenhower Matrix (figuring out what is important and necessary) and the Pomodoro Technique (working for 20 minutes then taking a break), help us to  allocate our cognitive resources more efficiently. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks can reduce the cognitive overload of the task at hand and improve our focus.

Minimizing distractions is essential for deep focus. Techniques such as turning off phone notifications, using noise-canceling headphones and setting boundaries with others can help create a focus-friendly environment.

Regular exercise, proper hydration and adequate sleep are foundational for maintaining optimal focus. Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, while sleep restores cognitive function and memory consolidation.

Cognitive strategies, such as self-talk (mentioned in an earlier column) and cognitive reframing, can help us to overcome our attentional challenges. Developing habits that reinforce attentional control, like setting daily intentions will further enhance your ability to focus.

Focus and attention in our digital age.

The rise of the attention economy has intensified competition for our focus. Social media platforms and digital advertising exploit psychological principles to capture and retain our attention, often at the expense of our mental well-being.

Want to improve your chances against the digital onslaught? 

Scheduled disconnection periods and apps that promote digital wellbeing will help you regain control over your attention.

The role of focus and attention in our personal and professional success.

Deep focus is a prerequisite for creative breakthroughs. Balancing periods of intense concentration with moments of rest (the Pomodoro Technique) allows the brain to generate innovative ideas.

Attentional presence is vital for fostering meaningful connections. Being fully engaged during conversations and interactions strengthens relationships and builds trust.

So, doc, what’s the bottom line?

Focus and attention are foundational skills that underpin success in every aspect of our lives. By understanding the science behind these processes, recognizing the factors that influence them and adopting practical strategies for improvement, we can all unlock their full potential. 

Alexander Graham Bell wisely stated, “Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”

Focus is not merely a skill but a practice that grows with intention and effort. In a world brimming with distractions, the ability to direct our attention toward what truly matters is a powerful asset, enabling us to achieve our goals and lead more fulfilling lives.

Thanks for reading the column.

Questions? Suggestions? Send me an email at Be well. Stay safe. See you here next month.