The American Israelite sees soaring online engagement

By Julia Olson
Assistant Editor

High numbers trend on the current website

In a trend that began during the early days of the pandemic, The American Israelite’s website engagement numbers have continued to rise. Since January 2023, the site has averaged between 11 million and 14 million hits per month. Hits indicate the number of times the server receives a request for information. The Israelite’s hit numbers indicate a high level of communication between the paper’s server and other browsers.

Another way to view the data is to consider the number of page views the site receives per month. While hits can be generated by a user simply clicking an Israelite website asset, page views tend to indicate longer dwell time per user. It is a figure that can show the robust engagement that occurs between each user and our server.

In May of 2023, the site experienced 24,771 page views and thus far over 94,000 visitors have used The American Israelite website since January 2023.

Based on these trends, staff at The American Israelite predict a continued rise in engagement with our online platform for the rest of 2023 and into 2024.

In the past few years, The American Israelite has expanded its coverage of national, international, and Israeli news, robust coverage that has boosted our readership as well as our website engagement. We have also expanded our local coverage, sending reporters out into the field to cover local events, engage with community members, and bring the most up to date reporting to our readers.

“We must be doing something right,” said publisher Netanel ‘Ted’ Deutsch. “Numbers like this don’t lie — we are obviously doing something that the community likes to engage with.”

Part of the interest in the website is driven by our columnists, who each produce a unique point of view for our readers each month. Another draw is the archival content found in From the Pages. Readers enjoy perusing headlines from 150 years ago and finding postings about their own bar or bat mitzvah or that of a family member.

All of these special features of The American Israelite drive online engagement, and we are looking forward to bringing our readers new, groundbreaking content in the months to come.