The American Israelite debuts calendar feature, upcoming archives access  

By Julia Olson

Assistant Editor 

The American Israelite recently debuted our Community Calendar  feature on the new and improved website. Not only can users check what is happening in the community, they can also submit events that will be printed in our weekly issue as well as featured on our online calendar. This feature is a great way to make sure our entire audience knows about the events you are planning in the community. 

If you would like to post an event on our calendar, you can navigate to the Community Calendar feature from the top navigation bar on our home page. From there you can find a form to fill out that includes information about your event. After you submit, keep an eye on our in print and online calendars for your event! 

Since The American Israelite updated its website in January, site views have skyrocketed to over 26,000 a month. An average visitor to our site views about 13 pages, most of which feature our local reporting. The age group who most frequents our website are those who fall between 25-34. This is a great audience for anyone who is hoping to get the word out about a local event they want to promote with a story, ad, or calendar event on our website.

Site views from February to May range from 25,600 – 27, 600, and we expect similar numbers for the month of June. Make sure you have bookmarked our website on your browser so you can check our site for the latest local, national, and international news. 

Staff at The American Israelite are also working on making our entire archives accessible online. The American Israelite began printing 170 years ago this month, starting in July of 1854. The paper has been printed once a week since then, which means we have close to 9000 issues full of Cincinnati Jewish history in our archives. The American Israelite has covered everything from the formation of new congregations here in Cincinnati in the 1840s, to the American Civil war, to international events like the famous Dreyfus affair in 1906. The American Israelite has reported on the settlement of Palestine during the British Mandate, as well as the formation of the state of Israel. Our full archive encapsulates the rich Jewish history not only of Cincinnati but of the entire world, and we are very excited to bring all our past issues to you in the upcoming debut of our archive page. We are currently working to make all the PDFs searchable, so you can pull up specific issues relating to your subject of interest. This will be especially helpful for those of our readers who wish to find obituaries of their ancestors, or mentions of family members in our paper. We look forward to bringing 170 years of our history to your fingertips by the end of the summer.