The American Israelite announces sponsorship of a new community initiative    

75 people took part in the Chai Minded Meetup Club’s first event

Submitted by The Chai Minded Meetup Club 

For the past 170 years, The American Israelite has been Jewish Cincinnati’s source for news about the local community and important happenings across the US and around the world. While the paper is still printed and delivered to mailboxes every week, as times have changed, new avenues for keeping readers up to date, such as a website, an online archive, a digital version of the paper, email blasts, and even a podcast, have been added to the Israelite’s brand. 

And now, the paper is branching out in yet another new direction by supporting the Chai Minded Meetup Club, a grassroots initiative started by a group of Jewish retirees in their effort to offer monthly social programming that is independent of a congregation or organization.

“When I heard about the club, I was intrigued,” says Netanel (Ted) Deutsch, Publisher of The American Israelite. “Their idea was simple and straightforward; to have fun and make friends. After all, making connections and having a sense of belonging is critical to feeling part of the wider Jewish community.

“They decided that being associated with an organization might limit who would or could participate,” he explains. “But unfortunately, that meant it would be much more difficult to obtain funding, or a means by which to spread the word about their events. That’s when I stepped in,” he continues. 

“The American Israelite will be supporting an ongoing program in our community. I am proud to be able to help this group get the start it needs and hope the Chai Minded Meetup Club will serve as inspiration to other innovative, grassroots groups who want to offer new opportunities for Jewish people of all ages to get connected.”

“While congregations and other organizations offer programs for our demographic, as we age, it’s more important than ever to have a lot of great options to help us stay active, involved and independent for as long as possible,” says Ron Richards, one of the group’s founders. “We plan to promote other activities in the organized Jewish community to our participants as well, and see the club as a great vehicle for attracting unaffiliated people to Jewish life in Cincinnati.”

The group’s founders say they were encouraged by other independently run programs in the Jewish community, such as the former Access for Jewish Young Professionals and Shalom Family initiatives, and more recently, the Friday Night Shabbat program which gives young families a hassle-free way to celebrate Shabbat and meet others in the Jewish community.

“I remember reading about all the great events they used to put on for the young Jewish adults and families and always wondered why there wasn’t something like that for people my age who weren’t members of a Temple,” shares Marsha Fink. “I moved to town about 15 years ago and pretty much my only connection to the Jewish community has been through the Israelite.

“When I read about the Chai Minded Meetup Club’s first event, it sounded fun,” she continues. “I decided to give it a try, and I had the best time. I met people from all walks of Jewish life and actually made plans to meet for coffee with one of the women who was on my trivia team! I really appreciate the Israelite for supporting this program.”

The club held its first event on March 6th in a private room at the Firehouse Grill in Blue Ash.  More than 75 people participated in the program, entitled Dine n’ Rewind, where guests had a chance to take a walk down memory lane, enjoy lunch and Coke and root beer floats, and sample some favorite candy from “back in the day.”

The program also featured a 1950’s and 60’s Trivia Flashback Challenge in which teams battled over topics such as Games We Played, The Boob Tube and the Big Screen, Music, Dance Moves and other Funky Fads, Commercials and Pop Culture, and much more.  Winners received trophies and medals and most importantly, bragging rights!

“We hope to host at least one social event a month,” says Arnie Horowitz, one of the group’s founders. “We collected a list of ideas from our participants and expect to be adding all kinds of fun activities to our calendar as we continue to grow.”

Upcoming events will include The Bootleggers Lunch, which pays tribute to “Cin City’s” scandalous past during the Prohibition era and will take place on Wednesday, April 10th at 11 a.m. at the Firehouse Grill in Blue Ash. Registration is limited to the first 75 who RSVP at Chai Minded Meetup Club’s website. Space will be given on a first come, first served basis. Please note, like the prior event, a waiting list will be started once the event reaches capacity.

On Friday, May 3 at 12 p.m., the group will host a Book Talk and Swap at the Firehouse Grill, featuring a NY Times Bestselling author who will talk about his roots in the Cincinnati Jewish community and how it has informed his writing. In addition, participants will have lunch and be able to swap their gently used books and take home lots of new fiction and non-fiction to enjoy. The club’s mission is to “Have fun, meet friends and make some noise.” Programs are open to all adults in the Jewish community who live independently. Non-Jewish partners and friends are always welcome.