Meet our team
A collective of innovative minds and spirited individuals, committed to bringing their best in a dynamic and supportive workspace.

Netanel “Ted” Deutsch
Publisher & Editor-in-chief
Ted is a lifelong resident of Cincinnati and fifth generation Cincinnatian: born at Jewish Hospital to Ted, Jr. and Josephine Deutsch, and student at North Avondale Elementary School and Walnut Hills High School, where he graduated in 1976. He then entered Ohio University and was a founding brother of Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, graduating in 1980 with a degree in psychology and a minor in political science. He has been involved in publishing since graduation; he took over his father’s company, Key Magazine, after his father’s death, and has published or worked for Cincinnati Bride and Groom (which he founded), and playbills for many Cincinnati cultural institutions— Playhouse in the Park, the Taft Theater, WNOP Jazzfest—as well as the Cincinnati Bar Association Report. In 1998 Ted bought The American Israelite, and sold Key Magazine to his brother Michael. His vision of bringing The Israelite into the modern age has been long and rewarding. He established many firsts with The Israelite under his guidance. The American Israelite newspaper’s website has been growing ever since going live. It continues to grow monthly and reaches over a million hits a month and twenty-five thousand unique visitors monthly.
Ted has served on many boards in the Cincinnati area: Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Jewish Community Center, Jewish National Fund, Golf Manor Synagogue and Sha’arei Torah Synagogue. He is a member of the Eastern Division of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, in which he is currently Flotilla Diversity Officer, and a Vessel Examiner. He has served as a Flotilla Commander and Vice Division Commander. He is married to Stephanie Deutsch and the father of Rachel Deutsch. In his free time he is a disc golfer, golfer and kayaker.
Our Newspaper Team

Graphic Designer
Michelle Markwell
Michelle Markwell is a University of Cincinnati graduate with a degree in Graphic Design. Over her career, she has worked for local design studios with a focus on print and web design. In addition to her Production Manager duties at the Israelite, she is a freelance graphic designer, working with local non-profit organizations.
She enjoys playing piano and is the organist for her church. She lives with her husband and two children on their tree farm near Oxford.

Assistant Editor
Julia Olson
Julia Olson is a Ph.D. candidate in Hebrew Bible and Cognate Studies at HUC-JIR Cincinnati. She is currently writing her dissertation. She previously studied at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, where she received an M.A. and an M.Th. in Hebrew Bible. She also received a B.A. in Philosophy and Creative Writing from Augsburg University in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She currently teaches Biblical Hebrew and ancient Middle Eastern history at Xavier University.

Assistant Editor
Melissa Hunter
Melissa W. Hunter is an author and blogger from Cincinnati, Ohio. She studied creative writing and journalism at the University of Cincinnati, receiving a B.A. in English literature and a minor in Judaic studies. Her articles and short stories have been published on numerous literary sites, and her award-winning debut novel was inspired by her grandmother’s life as a Holocaust survivor. She lives with her husband and two daughters and their little maltipoo Kugel.
Our Podcast Team

Pam Saeks
Podcast Co-Host
Pamela Richards Saeks is a Jewish engagement expert who was the Director of Jewish Innovation and Engagement at the Manuel D. and Rhoda Mayerson Foundation for nearly two decades where she developed and managed dozens of successful start-up initiatives aimed at connecting the unaffiliated and disenfranchised to Jewish life.
In addition to being a “fill in host” on the Let There Be Light podcast, Pam is the Author of the book, I Dare Ya! Secrets to Successfully Attracting and Retaining Jewish Audiences, and the President of Be Bold Creative. She is a native Cincinnatian who grew up as an active member of the Jewish community. She was a camper and counselor at Camp Livingston, was a member of BBYO. She also spent a gap year after high school graduation working on a kibbutz in Israel. She attended The Ohio State University and was a member of Delta Phi Epsilon sorority. She and her husband Sonny are the parents to Karly, Kevin and his wife Sarah and grandparents to their daughter, Georgia.

Lainey Richler
Podcast Co-host
Lainey was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. Upon graduating from Sycamore High School she attended the Nativ Gap-Year program in Israel after which she made Aliyah and moved to Israel through Garin Tzabar. She then was drafted into the IDF and served in Military Intelligence for eight years and was released as a Captain at the end of 2020.
She now lives back in Cincinnati with her Israeli husband, Yair, and two daughters, Mira and Odelia, and together with Yair, owns Café Alma in Pleasant Ridge.
Our Amazing Columnists
Our columnists are highly experienced and well-versed in a variety of areas.
Please let us know if you have an idea for a new column.

Marianna Bettman
Legally Speaking
Marianna Brown Bettman is a law professor emerita at the University ot Cincinnati College ot Law. Before that she was a judge on the First District Court of Appeals of Ohio. She currently blogs extensively on the Supreme Court of Ohio.

Lori Kleiner Eckert
Living & Learning
For 10 years she worked as a motivational speaker. She is an award-winning columnist and has three books in print. She then retired from her creative work to enjoy the birth of nine grandchildren over the last 12 years. She is back now with a Living and Learning column. As she tells the stories of her life, she hopes readers will glean life lessons.

Dr. Jordan Finkin
Yiddish Column
Dr. Jordan Finkin is Rare Book and Manuscript Librarian at the Klau Library of Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. A specialist in modern Yiddish literature, he is the author of several books as well as numerous essays and articles. His most recent book, Exile as Home, explores the poetry of the Yiddish poet Leyb Naydus. He is also a Yiddish translator as well as the director of Naydus Press.

Michael Ganson
A Legal Look
Michael B. Ganson was born and reared in Cincinnati, Ohio. Michael is a lawyer licensed in both Ohio and Florida. His law office is in East Walnut Hills. His focus as a lawyer over the years has been to assist individuals with a variety of legal matters. Michael is a contributing columnist for The American Israelite newspaper writing articles for A Legal Look column.

C.J. Cossage
Jews by Choice
C.J. Gossage was born and reared in Bellingham, Washington before moving to Massachusetts for Graduate School. He is now a PhD student at Hebrew Union College and a happy resident of Cincinnati. He and his wife Jacquie have two children. CJ writes a column called “Jews by Choice,” where he interviews Cincinnati’s Jewish converts to learn the ins-and-outs of their Jewish faith.

Daniel Hoffheimer
History Column
After 47 years of practicing law, I am often told it is time to retire to the music, opera, theater, and books that I love. If I truly love my children and grandchildren, not to mention my fellow women and men, and if I truly want all of my work the past 50 years to have meaning and to be any sort of legacy to them and their progeny, then I cannot retire. But I can pivot to planet-saving endeavors. The music, the arts, and the books that are life-blood to me must serve as sources of strength and rejuvenation as I continue my life’s work.
But by far the MOST IMPORTANT part of my life the past 50 years has been co-parenting my magnificent daughters. They and their seven children (so far) are the treasures of my life.

Cathy Sachs Hollander
Social Column
Cathy Hollander was born and raised in Cincinnati, she left only to attend Washington University in St. Louis. Graduate school at the University of Cincinnati brought her home to earn a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling. She is married to Gary Hollander and has 2 children, Jeremy and Brad. She is an editor and ghostwriter of non-fiction, memoir, and fiction. She teaches creative writing to high school students at Schilling School for Gifted Children, which is housed at Congregation Etz Chaim.

Richard L. Katz
Sports Column
A graduate of University of Cincinnati, Richard Katz is currently the president of Katz Manangement Group where he represents individuals in the professional and college sports industries. He is active in the Cincinnati Jewish Community. Most importantly is the JCC Men’s Adult Softball League, he cant wait to share the experiences in the league, and the golden stories and characters that lie therein.

Dr. Ken Manges
Psychologically Speaking
I grew up on Long Island, New York. I was drafted after high school. I celebrated my 21st and 22nd birthdays in Viet Nam . I can trace my interest in psychology to my experiences during the Viet Nam war. After I was discharged, I turned my focus towards school. I got turned on to psychology and trying to answer the question, why?
I reside in Cincinnati with my wife, Barbara and 2 children. I ride a bicycle for the therapy of it. I’m also an avid collector of African currency and wire sculptures, keys and locks, and books. I also focus on my Judaic heritage.

Dr. Ruth Nemzoff
Advice Column
Dr. Ruth Nemzoff is the author of “Don’t Roll Your Eyes: Making In-Laws Into Family” and “Don’t Bite Your Tongue: How to Foster Rewarding Relationships With Your Adult Children” and a frequent speaker on family dynamics. She is a resident scholar at Brandeis University Women’s Studies Research Center. She holds a doctorate in administration, planning, and social policy from Harvard University, a master’s in counseling from Columbia University, and a bachelor’s in American studies from Barnard College. She and her late husband, Harris Berman, have four adult children, four in-law children and eleven grandchildren.

Iris Ruth Pastor
Incidentally Iris
I am 5’2” – the truth, I weigh 115 lbs. – a lie. I like to dress funky. Do what’s not expected. Push the envelope of what‘s customary. Surprise. Delight. Entertain and Connect. I am an aging baby boomer, wife, mother and grandma who writes a column entitled “Incidentally, Iris” for the American Israelite. Blogs for the Huffington Post, And does motivational speaking on all topics related to mid life and baby boomers, including tattoos, though I graciously decline the opportunity to get one. I have entered the social media age kicking and screaming in order to motivate, inform, entertain and educate, foster connection and other tidbits of authenticity for myself and for others.

Steve Rosedale
Long Journey Home
Steve Rosedale is a native Cincinnatian and a Vietnam combat veteran. He serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of CommuniCare Health Services in Cincinnati, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Israel’s Nachal Haredi (the Orthodox unit in the Israel Defense Forces), Chairman of the Cincinnati Jewish eXperience, and above all, a grateful Jew.

Bob Wilhelmy
Dining Out
Bob is a writer. He has been a writer since college (1963-67 UG & 1967-69 grad, at University of Cincinnati). Bob’s writing mostly has been commercial, writing speeches for corporate types, seminar scripts, show continuities for business meetings, brochure copy, radio spot copy, direct mail material and so on. Also, some creative and historical writing, but nothing that amounted to much.

Sherry Brynes
Book Review
Sherry Brynes, a seasoned reader and storyteller, has cultivated a rich tapestry of experiences and insights through her extensive journey in literature and life. Originally hailing from Rhode Island, Brynes has an impressive record of having delved into thousands of books, a testament to her deep-seated passion for reading and learning.
Brynes’s career path is as diverse as her reading list. Having worked in numerous fields, she brings a unique blend of practical wisdom and a keen eye for quality. Her storytelling skills are not just confined to the written word; they permeate her professional and personal life.