Mayerson JCC to offer American Red Cross babysitting class

By Julia Olson

Assistant Editor 

The Mayerson JCC will be offering a babysitting class for those babysitters who are looking to be certified through the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross offers these certifications so that babysitters are qualified to provide capable, trusted care for their charges. According to the American Red Cross (ARC) website, eight out of 10 parents surveyed said they would pay more for a babysitter who was certified through the ARC. The JCC class will be interactive and comprehensive, providing attendees with up to date information on child care, first aid, and what steps to take in an emergency. The class takes place at the J on Wednesday, November 27, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There is a registration fee. Participants should be sure to bring a water bottle and a packed lunch.