Letter to the Editor: May 16, 2024

Dear Editor,

What we learned from the recent college campus “protests”: 1) There are a significant number of Muslims in America. 2) They are very well organized. 3) They have infiltrated universities stirring young malleable minds to champion their anti-Jewish cause. 4) They have integrated into political territories then voted together — as Democrats. 5) The Biden administration is forsaking the traditional Jewish vote for the larger number of Muslim voters as evidenced by his unconscionable and unprecedented halting arms shipments to, Israel, an ally is actively engaged in a war.

Our enemy is not Hamas, Iran, Hezbollah, but the ideology of the Muslim people who are either members of an enemy fighting force or are in sympathy therewith. It seems acceptable for the media and politicians to use the words Jewish or Jews when singling us out, but never labeling our enemy as Muslims — they put a positive spin on them by calling them pro-Palestinians or even pro-Hamas.

Suggestion: Jewish residents of each neighborhood form ad hoc groups to teach self-defense and encourage firearms ownership. The only criteria, no Muslims allowed. Yeah, I know, that might be discrimination — let ‘em sue — the publicity would be worth it. These members would meet regularly and openly at a public location to discuss activities and be encouraged to write letters to local news and social media outlets highlighting the recent activities and goals of the groups. Jews (Israelis excepted) are perceived as easy targets for verbal, written and physical assaults; we lack a unified defense … or offense. If we don’t change the perception — we’ll run out of cheeks.

Chuck Klein

Georgetown, OH