Dear Editor,
Thank you Morry Wiener for having the courage in your August 3rd letter to say, “antisemitism shows its ugly face on the Far Right and the Far Left.” Since 2014-15, when I discovered antisemitic messages on social networking sites by the Far Left during the riots in Ferguson, Oakland and Baltimore, I have been trying to persuade Conservative and Reform rabbis, the Southern Poverty Legal Center, the ADL, Democratic public officials, and the media such as the New York Times, CNN, USA Today, NPR, etc. that while they see the danger of antisemitism from the Far Right as they should, they are blind to the danger from the Far Left. The Poverty Center informed me “they are interested only in hate by the Far Right.” The ADL headquarters in DC never replied to my emails, letters, or phone calls. No Democratic public official ever replied. The responses of rabbis and the reporters were essentially the same: “Don’t worry, it is a small problem compared to the danger from the Far Right.”
If in fact there was little danger from the Far Left in the past, now it is no longer true. Glad to see that Morry Wiener sees the danger from both political spectrums. May more individuals open their eyes.
Respectfully with shalom,
Bob Schneider
Cincinnati, OH