Submitted by Congregation Etz Chaim Synagogue
Join Congregation Etz Chaim as we welcome and prepare for 5784, the New Jewish New Year with a New tradition. On Tuesday Night, September 12, we will be traveling as a synagogue caravan from our building to CVG Airport in order to welcome back “Honor Flight.” Honor Flight is a nationwide project that allows veterans to travel to Washington D.C. to visit the memorials built to commemorate their service and sacrifice. The caravan will depart the shul parking lot at 6pm. Upon arrival at the airport Kosher boxed deli dinners will be available for $10.00 and there will be time to decorate patriotic signs to hold for the special parade that occurs in the terminal. We will line up to welcome the Veterans home as they arrive around 8:45pm. Elul is a time for introspection, and we owe these veterans and their families our freedom and our gratitude. The very concept of Teshuvah means to return, and when we return to Judaism and the best versions of ourselves, Hashem welcomes us home. Join Etz Chaim as we welcome home our veterans. RSVPs are required to ensure seating and food; please contact the Synagogue office.