Jewish Family Service ‘shifts the focus’ with ADHD workshop  

Photo courtesy of Dr. Hallowell’s website. Photo credit: Rayon Richards
Dr. Ned Hallowell

By Julia Olson

Assistant Editor 

Jewish Family Service (JFS) is offering a workshop for young adults with ADHD Monday, August 26, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) diagnoses have risen in the past few years. According to the CDC, 7.1 million young people were diagnosed with ADHD in 2022, which is a million more than were diagnosed in 2016. A new study, published in May 2024 by the CDC, claims that 1 out of 9 children in the United States had received an ADHD diagnosis and that pediatric ADHD is an “ongoing and expanding public health concern.” 

The study indicates that ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopment disorders among U.S. children.

What reports such as the CDC study show us, however, is that while diagnoses may be increasing across the country, so too is awareness about ADHD. Awareness can lead educators and community leaders to establish better accessibility for those with neurodevelopment issues, and JFS is leaning into this with a new workshop geared toward young people with ADHD. The workshop will help participants feel confident in navigating challenges that can arise from every day life. 

JFS has invited Dr. Ned Hallowell to share his insight on life with ADHD. Dr. Hallowell is a board certified child and adult psychiatrist and the founder of The Hallowell ADHD Centers. He graduated from Harvard College and Tulane Medical School and has spent four decades helping those with ADHD live productive lives. Not only is Dr. Hallowell a leading authority on ADHD, he himself has it, as well as dyslexia. 

The JFS workshop is titled “Shift the Focus: How ADHD can work FOR You.” Dr. Hallowell will use his personal and professional experience to demonstrate his claim that ADHD is a superpower. 

JFS is also offering another workshop for parents of children with ADHD. Parents and caregivers who are interested in learning how to support a child who has ADHD can attend this event on Tuesday, August 27, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Dr. Hallowell will also be featured at this event, and will be able to provide his expert advice for parents and caregivers to help children with ADHD thrive. 

With the school year just beginning, now is the time to learn about ADHD, how it affects young people and the best ways to make life accessible and robust for those who are diagnosed with it. 

Both workshops will be held at the JFS offices in Blue Ash. 

More information as well as registration can be found on the JFS website.