From the Pages: October 3, 2024

In the Beginning: 1854

Each week The American Israelite will print an item from the first years.

Foreign Intelligence

– Bavaria. — The king of Bavaria has decreed that no children aged less than ten years at least, and who have not received elementary and religious instruction, shall be employed in manufacturies; that they shall not be occupied more than one hours a day, and that of them three shall be passed at school. 

– Alexandria. — The Rev. Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, who , as we announced some time ago intended to visit Europe, is now staying in Alexandria, in Egypt, awaiting the advice of Sir Moses Montefiore as to whether he should continue his journey or not. It is not likely that the Rabbi will visit Europe. 

— September 29, 1854

150 Years ago


– Mr. Simon Hoffheimer (of Hoffheimer Bros., Cincinnati,) and his good lady, surrounded by their nine children and numerous friends, on Tuesday evening last, celebrated their silver wedding in excellent style. Many friends of the Hoffheimer family from this city as also from Dayton, St. Louis, and Memphis were present, when Rev. Dr. Lilienthal re-unified the happy couple with blessings and good wishes. Dr. Wise finished up the ceremony with a little speech as a friend of the family, and then came the eating, happy times and witty speeches up stairs and a hop for the young folks down stairs. It was a very fine occasion, especially as every one present wished all that is good and satisfactory to the happy family, reputed for kindness, piety, and charitable feelings. Every body present appeared to be well pleased with the excellent occasion. 

– Joseph Glückauf, a Jewish farmer in California, lately sold his farm for $70,000. He had worked this farm for a term of more than ten years. 

– The new temple in Paris, on Rue de la Victoria, has been dedicated in the beginning of September. It took eight years to build up this palatial structure. 

– Next Friday, the new temple of Macon, Ga. will be dedicated. Rev. Dr. Lilienthal, of Cincinnati, will preach the sermon. We expect particulars on the Doctor’s return.

— October 2, 1874 

125 Years ago


– A student of the Hebrew Union College, J.G. Reisin, wrote in good classical Hebrew the biography of George Eliot, in two little volumes. During this summer vacation he had the booklets published in Warsaw, Russia. 

– The resignation of Rabbi S. Hecht of Milwaukee will take effect on November 1, and he will preach his last sermon on the last Sunday in October at Temple Emanu-El. 

– Rabbi Judah Weehsler lectured last Wednesday night in the Seventh Christian Church at North Indianapolis on “The Israelites as a Nation.” Sunday, September 17, while the congregation of the Seventh Christian Church was endeavoring to raise funds to pay the debt for their new church building, Rabbi Weehsler rendered assistance to the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Shepperd, in the raising of $400. 

Mound St. Temple Religious School. 

The school board of the Mound Street Temple has resolved to do away with all tuition fees. This school will offer free instruction hereafter to all children who may wish to take advantage of this instruction. This refers to the school in the city. The school on the hill is for children of members only. 

— October 5, 1899

100 Years ago


– It would be interesting to know just exactly what is to be the curriculum of the proposed Hebrew University in Jerusalem, what studies are to be optional, and what compulsory. Are modern languages to form a part of the course, in fact, whether it is to be a modern university, fitting men for the various vocations which they may adopt, or whether it is to be merely a superior Yeshiba.

– It has not been long since the Western Christian Advocate, commenting on the Franks murder, took the opportunity to defame not only the Jewish immigrants, but the Jews as a whole as well. If The American Israelite were as bigotedly and unscrupulously intolerant as The Western Christian Advocate, it might seize upon the opportunity which the daily papers report of the doings of some of the Protestant clergymen and their paramours, to defame not only the Protestant clergy, but the entire body of Protestants in the country. However, The American Israelite does not indulge in vituperation. It leaves all that to The Western Christian Advocate and other papers of that kind. 

Editor’s note: The author is discussing reporting of the murder of Bobby Franks by Leopold and Loeb. That the murderers were Jewish sparked antisemitic reporting. 

– The Israelite is well satisfied with its present location, but it almost wishes that, for a while at least, its location were in the State of Kansas, so that it could give its strongest support to William Allen White, the independent candidate for Governor. Mr. White has ever been a gallant fighter for the right, and now stands forth as the champion of the law-abiding citizens as opposed to the hooded and masked fiery-crossites. It is to be hoped that William Allen White will be elected Governor by an overwhelming majority. He, if any one, nows “what’s the matter with Kansas,” and with the whole United States for that matter, and if there is anything wrong, if he is supported by the proper legislature, he will soon set it right, if to do so is in the power of any man. 

— October 2, 1924

75 Years ago

High School of Jewish Studies to Open Oct. 17

The High School of Jewish Studies, established last year under the auspices of the Talmud Torah Association, will resume its sessions for the new school term on Monday, October 17, at 4:030 pm., at the Talmud Torah, 658, Rockdale Avenue. 

The High School of Jewish Studies is designed for boys an girls of High School age, regardless of their previous Jewish training. Sessions are held twice a week, 1 1/2 hours or each session. The course of study include Hebrew, Bible, Jewish history and current events. A competent instructor will be in charge. 

Jack Feuer Cardiac Memorial Fund is Established 

The Jack Feuer Cardiac Memorial Fund has been started at the Price Hill Beth Jacob Congregation by Mrs. Jack Feuer. 

Contributors are asked to contact Maurice Goldman, 1919 Northcut Avenue, RE 8151. Mr. Feuer was a past president of the congregation and a member of the Board of Trustees. 

— October 6, 1949

50 years ago

Bas Mitzvah

– Rabbi and Mrs. Stephen A. Arnold are happy to announce that their daughter, Leah Naomi, will be called to the Torah as Bas Mitzvah during Sabbath Services Friday, Oct. 11, at Temple Adath Joseph, St. Joseph, Mo. The Arnolds are former Cincinnatians. 

Leah is the granddaughter of Mrs. Dan Russotto of North Miami Beach, and the late Mr. Russotto, formerly Cincinnatians, and of Mr. and Mrs. Lenard H. Arnold of Highland Park, Ill. 

– Our daughter, Michelle, will celebrate her Bas Mitzvah on Friday evening, Oct. 18, 8:15 p.m., at Adath Israel Synagogue. 

Please join us for this happy occasion. A reception will follow the service. 

Judy and Sandy Weiner

Bar Mitzvah

– Please be with us on the happy occasion of our son John Richard’s Bar Mitzvah at Rockdale Temple, Ridge Road in Amberley Village, Saturday Morning, Oct. 12th, at 10:45 a.m. 

Join us for Kiddish immediately following the services. No cards. 

Phillis and Saul Marmer. 

– Mr. and Mrs. David J. Young are pleased to announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Gregory, on Saturday, Oct. 19. at 9 a.m., at Adath Israel Synagogue.

Gregory is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Freemand and Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Young. Relatives and friends are cordially invited to worship with the family and to attend the Kiddish immediately following the services. 

– Please be with us on the happy occasion of our son Bradleys’ Bar Mitzvah at the Isaac M. Wise Temple, Eighth and Plum Streets, Saturday morning, Oct. 5, at 10:45 a.m. 

Bradley is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sattler and Mr. Alvin I. Kuhr and the late Mrs. Fanny Kuhr. 

Join us for Kiddish immediately following services. 

Nancy and Dick Kuhr. 

– Please share our happiness at the Bar Mitzvah of our son, Thomas Carl. He will be called to the Torah on Saturday, the twelfth of October, nineteen hundred and seventy-four, at 9 o’clock in the morning, at Adath Israel Synagogue, Ridge and Galbraith Roads, Cincinnati, Ohio. 

We would be delighted to have you join us for Kiddish immediately following services. 

Thomas is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brenner, of Hamilton and the late Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Johnson, of Cincinnati. 

Nancy and Edgar Johnson

— October 3, 1974

25 Years ago

Learning Forum offers free Hebrew reading lessons

In an effort to promote Hebrew literacy among North American Jewry, the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP) will be promoting a major campaign entitled “Read Hebrew America and Canada.” This will be the second time NJOP promotes such an international campaign. Locally, there free Hebrew Reading Crash Courses will be provided by The Learning Forum. 

The Learning Forum, the outreach arm of the Cincinnati Community Kollel, has used the NJOP method to teach dozens of local adults how to read Hebrew. 

— October 7, 1999 

10 Years ago

Jerry Springer to host Jewish Family Service’s ‘Dancing with our Stars’ on Saturday, Nov. 8 

Jerry Springer will be the Celebrity Host and UC President Santa Ono, Journalist Norma Rashid, Chef Jean-Robert de Cavel, and Philanthropist Dianne Dunkelman will provide colorful commentary as the judges when a star-studded cast of local “celebrities” take the stage and compete during the Jewish Family Service (JFS) fundraiser, Dancing with our Stars, 7 pm Saturday, November 8, 2014 at the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza. The gala will include a professionally choreographed dance competition, dinner, live entertainment, and a live auction. 

Fourteen attend International Lion of Judah conference; Fran Dubroff Coleman honored

The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati organized a delegation of 14 women to attend the 2014 International Lion of Judah Conference in New York City, including Fran Dubroff Coleman, who won a prestigious Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award. The annual conference is designed to inspire women to become leaders in their local communities. This year’s event featured a moving closing address from the parents of Gil-Ad Shaer, one of the three Israeli teenagers whose murders led to Operation Protective Edge. 

— October 2, 2014