On the first of March, for any “shtérnzeyers” (stargazers) out there, there was a remarkable
Category: Yiddish Column
The intimacy of place in Yiddish literature
Inaccuracies and stereotypes surround the connections of Yiddish-speaking Jews to land. Study-bound scholars, or rootless
Trifles and trivialities
As we ring in the new year at a time of weighty things, beset as
Yiddish ways to discuss the divine
I’m not one given to thinking much about God, nor am I one of those
A Yiddish lullaby with a razor’s edge
At the risk of trying your patience with two columns in a row of poetry,
Yiddish as a perfect medium for autumnal musings
The angle of the sunlight changes. The trees shed their leaves in profusion. The call
Back to shul
September has arrived and with it the start of new semesters everywhere. School and scholarship
Summer nosh with a side of Yiddish
Thank you for your forbearance during last month’s hiatus. I’m back now and we’re off
Books, our beloved chain of tradition
Here in Cincinnati, we love our books. As a librarian, this makes Cincinnati a wonderful
The five fingers and their Yiddish backgrounds
A propos to nothing in particular, I was thinking recently about the names of the