My friend Vera and I went to Italy! Three nights in Rome, and two nights
Category: Living and Learning
I will now presume to give some tips on nutrition
I have always been interested in fitness and nutrition. That being the case, I have
Meeting up with the Three Sisters
Sometimes life conspires to bring me the same information over and over again. In these
My New Brand of Lateness
I was running a bit late for a get together at my friend’s house, so
Friend-Centric Travel
I’m not the sort of person who has a bucket list of places I wish
Definitely try this at home!
Countless studies and extensive clinical research have found there are links between our parents’ behavior
The Crocodile Rock Method of Handling Distress
I read a story about Elton John in which he said, “The last time I
The day I lied to my Apple Watch
Something kept rumbling around in my mind as I exercised in the morning. I’m not
Following in Hoda’s Footsteps
I have been a fan of motivational quotes for years and have used a lot
Eat. Sleep. Take the Kids to Sports. Repeat: In Praise of Parents
An open letter to my adult kids: I saw a funny post online that made