Camp Chabad launches After School Jewish Enrichment Program  

Submitted by Camp Chabad 

Camp Chabad is excited to announce the launch of its After School Jewish Enrichment Program, aimed at children ages 5-12. The program, designed to continue the engaging and fun-filled experience of Camp Chabad throughout the year, will commence classes after Passover on May 1st.

The After School Jewish Enrichment Program will operate Monday through Thursday, offering children an opportunity to delve into various aspects of Jewish learning and living. Classes will feature experiential learning, focusing on the significance of each Jewish month, exploring behind-the-scenes stories of the weekly Torah portion, and delving into ethics and Jewish law through captivating narratives and the esoteric teachings of Torah.

Rabbi Majeski, Director of Camp Chabad, expressed enthusiasm for the program, stating, “For years, parents have been asking us to create a program that extends the unique Camp Chabad experience beyond the summer months. The energy and enthusiasm our campers exhibit are truly remarkable, and we are thrilled to offer this opportunity for year-round Jewish enrichment.”

In light of current circumstances, Camp Chabad saw an opportunity to strengthen Jewish awareness and pride within the community. The After School Jewish Enrichment Program aims to instill a love for being Jewish while providing a nurturing and engaging environment for children to grow and learn.

The program will be held at the Camp Chabad offices, which have been described by one parent as “like your own boutique hotel.” Pick-up from schools will be available with a minimum.

Free transportation to and from the program will be provided from various locations around the community. 

The After School Jewish Enrichment Program is open to all Jewish children in the Cincinnati area. For inquiries and registration, please email Camp Chabad.