“Bring Them Home” signs located across from the Mayerson JCC

By Melissa Hunter

Assistant Editor

The now vacant lot where the old Temple Sholom building once stood now has a new purpose. Numerous signs and banners that read “Bring Them Home” are now posted there to bring community awareness to the hostages that still remain in captivity under Hamas. 

Rabbi Abie Ingber and Kim Slaton, CPCC, CPRW, JVS’s Careers Managing Director, are responsible for putting up the signs, located across the street from the Mayerson JCC on Ridge Road.  

“Abie and I were and still are not aware of any other PUBLIC display of the support of the release of the hostages in Cincinnati from the Jewish community, which is why we were so compelled to get those signs up in a very visible location,” explains Slaton. “Visible not only to the members of the Jewish Community, but for residents of the general community as well.”

Of the twenty signs originally put up on February 7th, the four month anniversary of the October 7th invasion and massacre, eight are still standing. 

“Which is impressive,” Slaton states. “However, less is not more in this case.

“We need our thoughts and prayers for the release of the hostages to be amplified, not diminished, or forgotten.” 

That is why on Monday, May 20th, both Rabbi Ingber and Slaton put up additional signs, “in hopes of bringing visibility to this ongoing, horrific situation as well as providing a collective force of support and relevance for the hostages and their families.”