Beth Israel Congregation welcomes Rabbi Daniel Vaisrub

Submitted by Beth Israel Congregation 

Beth Israel Congregation in Hamilton Ohio is excited to welcome Rabbi Daniel Vaisrub as the next rabbi of the Jewish community. Though Daniel came to the rabbinate later in life, obtaining private ordination from both prominent Ashkenazi and Sephardic rabbis, he has already left his mark on the Jewish community through teaching in Chicago, and nationally by Zoom, as well as at Camp Ramah in the Rockies. In Chicago, Daniel is the most popular teacher at the pluralistic Hebrew Seminary. Daniel appreciates working with Jews across the movements. He was chosen as one of the cohorts of Rabbis Without Borders, which aims to build connections between rabbis of various backgrounds and break down barriers and stereotypes. Daniel lives this philosophy by bringing his Sephardic and Maimonidean approach to his understanding and practice of Judaism. He has been described by Rabbi Lizzi Heydemann of Mishkan Chicago as a “flexodox paradox.” Daniel looks forward to bringing new ideas and a new energy to Beth Israel. In fact, Daniel has already left his mark by introducing new tunes during Shabbat services.