Submitted by Congregation Etz Chaim Synagogue Shannah Tovah to You, Me and the Bee. Congregation Etz Chaim is pleased to present a four part year long program on Bees, Eco-Judaism, Urban Farming, and Conservationism. On Rosh Hashanah we say, “Dip the Apple in the Honey” but have we ever stopped to consider the journey of that apple or the honey from the field to our table? As we begin the process of chesbon hanefesh, taking account of our soul, literally weighing our good deeds and our bad deeds, we stop to consider our carbon footprint and the interconnectivity of the world around us. Join Congregation Etz Chaim for a special Selichot program — Saturday night, September 9 at 8:30 p.m. The evening will start with Havdalah, then we’ll screen the 2019 Movie “The Pollinators,” which follows migratory beekeepers as they pollinate the flowers that become the fruits, nuts, and vegetables we eat. Organic honey tasting and themed snacks will be enjoyed. Following the movie, stay for Selichot services as we transition into preparation for the High Holiday Season.