Bad Joke of the Week: The picture of health

Jeremy and Nathan meet in the post office. Nathan says, “Did you hear what happened to Hymie Himmelfarb?”

“You mean Hymie Himmelfarb with the smoker’s cough?” asks Jeremy. 

“Yes, that’s the one,” replies Nathan. 

“Hymie Himmelfarb with the gout and double hernia?” asks Jeremy.

“Yes, that’s him, Jeremy,” replies Nathan.

“Hymie Himmelfarb with the blotchy skin and who’s always fainting?” asks Jeremy.

“Yes, him, but all right with the questions already,” replies Nathan. 

“No, I didn’t hear about Hymie Himmelfarb,” says Jeremy. “So what happened to Hymie?” 

“He died yesterday,”replies Nathan. 

“Oy veh! And he was such a heathy man,” says Jeremy. 

From Oy Vey: More! The Ultimate Book Of Jewish Jokes Part 2, by David Minkoff