Bad Joke of the Week: Cartier and Cod

Shlomo and Yetta are getting ready to go out to dinner. 

Yetta comes out of the bedroom and says to Shlomo, “Darling, do you want me to wear this Chanel suit or shall I put on the Gucci outfit?”

“What do I care?” Shlomo replies. 

Yetta then asks “Darling, shall I wear my Rolex or my Cartier watch?”

“Who gives a damn?” says Shlomo. 

Yetta then says to Shlomo, “Darling, shall I wear my five-carat pear or my six-carat round diamond?”

To which Shlomo responds, “Hey, if you don’t get your act together, and soon, we are going to miss the Early Bird Special at Benjy’s Fish restaurant.” 

From Oy! The Ultimate Book of Jewish Jokes, by David Minkoff