Letter to the Editor: June 6, 2024

Dear Editor,

The ease with which Anti-Zionists have managed to portray Israel as genocidal marks a very historic failure of Holocaust education.

We just completed the month of May where we honored and celebrated Jewish American Heritage Month; Yom HaShoah; Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haatzmaut! What kind of grades did we receive? 2/3 of American Jews feel less secure compared to last year at this time. Due to this fear, their overall behavior has drastically changed — They are certainly masking their Judaism on social media, afraid to wear Kippas or Magen Davids in public. They are also taking down Mezuzah’s from their homes. What are we teaching future generations?

Sis schwer zu sein a Yid— It is hard to be a Jew!

How are we supposed to respond to the world? I have a simple suggestion:

Do not deny your Yiddishkeit nor hide your Judaism in any context. Affirm and stand up for its beliefs and affiliations. I honestly know Jews are very anxious and afraid, but these feelings cannot and must not lead us to hide our identity! Turn your compassion into action!

Am Yisrael Chai. Respectfully and with koach,

Morry Wiener

Cincinnati, OH