Letter to the Editor: September 28, 2023

Dear Editor,
The High Holidays is a time of Tikvah, Renewal and anticipating the future. It is also a time of reflection! As Jews we look forward with optimism and happiness, but we also realize that each year also brings uncertainty!
Antisemitism has always existed and is very dangerous and troublesome. My prayer and wish for everyone is when we heard the Shofar blasting it will remind us that we are responsible for each other and awaken to positive and meaningful action for global Jewry!
It is common knowledge that when times are tough and financial turmoil comes into play, we as Jews are always the scapegoat! Myths are overflowing and an abundance of violence and terror are in the air.
Jews have been taught that we must always be prepared to fight those who threaten our culture, places of worship, and especially our lives! We must fight back with Koach (Strength) against the continuous rise of Antisemitism and anti-Israel.
During these Holy Days we looked at our past, lived in our present, but will work and commit ourselves to a brighter future. History has taught and shown us that we have to take care of ourselves and not to depend on others. The cost is too high!
May our loved ones, and our entire global Jewish mischpacha be inscribed in the Book of Life for a healthy, happy, successful, and Sweet New Year.
L’Shanah Tovah with an abundance of Shalom,
Morry Wiener
Cincinnati, OH