JFC holds its annual meeting

Bob Clayton receives the Mesel Wieder Mensch Award at a reception prior to the Annual Meeting

By Julia Olson, Assistant Editor

The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati held its annual meeting last Wednesday, May 17. The meeting was kicked off by Debbie Brant, the outgoing board chair, who has served as the JFC board chair for three years. Josh Blatt will succeed Brant in the position.

David Harris, recently returning to the JFC as Chief Development officer, shared the Federation’s financial report with meeting attendees. The Federation has raised $667,000 dollars for the Ukraine Relief Fund. 2023 total giving has been $9.4 million dollars to date. Of that total, $5,500,000 came from the annual campaign, cochaired by Fran and Craig Coleman. The annual campaign goal is at $5.9 million dollars and is currently at $5.5 million. The JFC is still seeking another $400,000 dollars to meet its goal by the end of the fiscal year, May 31st. The rest of the 9.4 million results from $1,500,000 from the Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati matching, $2,139,835 from supplemental projects, and $295,506 from endowment cash received.

Over $173,000,000 dollars have been given in planned life expectancies for the Create Your Jewish Legacy campaign, with more than 2,100 commitments.

Several awards were given away that evening as well.

Cody Gamm won the Harris K. And Alice F. Weston Junior “Avodah” Award. Jennifer Kash won the Senior “Avodah” award. Jeff Zipkin, creator of Friday Night Shabbat, won the Nancy and Robert V. Goldstein Volunteer of the Year Award. Finally, Louis Guttman receive the Jay Price Leadership Award.

New Board Chair Josh Blatt ended the meeting by dicussing the Mayerson JCC/JFC Mission to Israel, which will take place in 2024,