By Faigel Fogel
Assistant Editor
1. Angry women cause mayhem.
2. Make sure you’re the prettiest in the harem. Six months of preparation should do it!
3. Be a tattletale — it worked for Mordechai and Esther.
4. When in doubt, throw a banquet. The more banquets the better. Money is no object.
5. What goes around comes around. Sorry Haman!
6. Nepotism pays, just look at Mordechai.
7. “Its better to be a poor man who is honest than a self-serving, sadistic maniac who constructs implements of torture to destroy his political enemies” (Proverbs chapter something err…verse…uh… something).
8. Keep careful minutes at every organizational meeting. It saved Mordechai’s life! (Esther 6:1-3).
9. Learn from Haman — never listen to a woman (Esther 6:13).
10. Learn from Ahaseurus — listen to women at all times (Esther 7).
11. Never trust an Agagite.