11 life lessons from the Book of Esther

By Faigel Fogel

Assistant Editor

1. Angry women cause mayhem.

2. Make sure you’re the prettiest in the harem. Six months of preparation should do it!

3. Be a tattletale — it worked for Mordechai and Esther.

4. When in doubt, throw a banquet. The more banquets the better. Money is no object.

5. What goes around comes around. Sorry Haman!

6. Nepotism pays, just look at Mordechai.

7. “Its better to be a poor man who is honest than a self-serving, sadistic maniac who constructs implements of torture to destroy his political enemies” (Proverbs chapter something err…verse…uh… something).

8. Keep careful minutes at every organizational meeting. It saved Mordechai’s life! (Esther 6:1-3).

9. Learn from Haman — never listen to a woman (Esther 6:13).

10. Learn from Ahaseurus — listen to women at all times (Esther 7).

11. Never trust an Agagite.